
Top Comments

  • To get more depth in programming.

    Posted 3 years ago
    • Seemed interested and very essential to being a good software developer. Also, I love learning the tips and knowledge that others have gained over many many years, so I can learn best practices and hopefully get boosted faster than by myself. Thanks!

      Posted 4 years ago

      Other Comments

      • being consistent and learning new things everyday!!

        Posted 16 days ago
        • I aspire to deepen my comprehension of system design before embarking on this course, confident that it will furnish me with the requisite understanding. I express gratitude in advance for the invaluable insights I anticipate gaining from this endeavor.

          Posted 3 months ago
          • To get more in depth knowledge with how a system is properly designed and executed.

            Posted 3 months ago
            • To learn about system design that could help me build complex projects and applications in an organized and efficient manner.

              Posted 3 months ago
              • To learn the best way to design a system before i start with the capstone

                Posted 3 months ago
                • For me, it is the beauty of knowing how my application works from A to Z.

                  Posted 4 months ago
                  • I want dip understanding in system design to take this course I believe I'm gain an understanding of the System Design. and thank you and advance for these...

                    Posted 6 months ago
                    • As a product manager, to get understanding of programming and system design .

                      Posted 7 months ago
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