Introduction to Design Patterns

Top Comments

  • I still haven't gone into technical interviews, but I appreciate learning factory and builder design patterns. Although it is still a bit confusing

    Posted 1 year ago
    • Still retaining the information regarding this, and hope one day I could implement those ideas in a real project.

      Posted 1 year ago

      Other Comments

      • I haven't been in interview where the interviewer asked about design patterns yet. But I remember about singleton design pattern when I was watching Java mock interviews in YouTube.

        Posted 1 year ago
        • MVC framework

          Posted 1 year ago
          • Constructor Pattern, OOP, & Revealing Module Pattern on my end, this course really helped me a lot to answer them.

            Posted 1 year ago
            • Prototype pattern

              Posted 1 year ago
              • I haven't done any Interview relating to design pattern, but if I would choose between the two I would chose the Factory design as it is more nice and neat to pass just the constructor values rather than the builder where you stating both the parameter value and its function.

                Posted 1 year ago
                • I never encountered interviews that mentioned any design pattern except OOP.

                  Posted 1 year ago
                  • Ira

                    Constructor Pattern

                    Posted 3 years ago
                    • Constructor Pattern, Revealing Module Pattern

                      Posted 3 years ago
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